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Zat activated carbon filter

2020-10-15 17:20:13
Zat activated carbon filter
Detailed introduction:

1、 Zat activated carbon filter

The activated carbon filter uses activated carbon fiber as the filtering material, which has strong adsorption performance, and can filter out the residual oil and odor in the compressed air. It is suitable for the compressed air purification system such as food, beverage, pharmaceutical, etc. when the system is configured, C, t, a or other filters should be installed before the filter.

2、 Technical index

Rated treatment capacity: 0.5 ~ 300nm3 / h, working pressure: 0.6 ~ 1. OmpA (1.0 ~ 10. OmpA) inlet temperature: < 50 ° C oil content at outlet: 0.003ppm outlet dust content: ≤ 0.01 μ M

3、 Main technical parameters

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